FAFSA day is coming!


Press Release: 10/22/2019

Concord Carlisle High School and The Scholarship Fund of Concord and Carlisle are co-hosting a FAFSA Day site in the Learning Commons of CCHS on November 3, 2019 at 10:00 AM.  

Every high school senior, college student, and adult student who will be attending college during the 2020-2021 academic year needs to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) in order to apply for federal, state, and institutional financial aid. FAFSA Day Massachusetts provides FREE help statewide to students and families looking to complete the FAFSA.

This is the nineteenth annual FAFSA Day Massachusetts programs are being held on multiple dates at over 20 locations across Massachusetts, and the second year that The Scholarship Fund has teamed with CCHS. The services are free and available to anyone attending college for the 2020-2021 academic year; low-income, first-generation students are especially encouraged to attend.  

FAFSA Day at CCHS is staffed by volunteer financial aid and higher education experts, who can provide families one-on-one assistance.  We will also have Spanish-speaking volunteers.  

FAFSA Day is a non-profit program sponsored by Massachusetts Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators, MEFA, American Student Assistance, and the Massachusetts Office of Student Financial Assistance. Over 20,000 students have been served during FAFSA Day events thus far. 

Families are encouraged to visit www.FAFSADay.org to view locations, dates & times, to register, and to see a list of what to bring.
For questions or additional information, please call 877-424-7627 or e-mail fafsaday@gmail.com.